Trento, 25 March 2023

Play Off, Itas Trentino immediately regains the lead in the quarterfinal series

Itas Trentino takes advantage of the home court in the Game 3 of the Play Off Scudetto SuperLega Credem Banca 2023 quarterfinals, gaining again the lead in the best-of-five series with Vero Volley Monza. Thanks to the 3-1 success conquered this evening in front of its own public, Lorenzetti's lineup will now have two chances to pass the round and qualify for the semifinals; the first one in eight days in Brianza, where Game 4 will be played.
The return to an home game at the BLM Group Arena and the comeback of some important players were key elements to get towards the victory; back with the traditional set-up, Kaziyski and his teammates were able to keep their calm as they lost their first set (which were winning 14-11 before being overtaken on 14-16) and during the following sets, in which the Brianzoli players often managed to climb back up the slope, despite the control of the match always being in the hands of the yellow-blue lineup . Leading the comeback to 3-1, a sensational Kaziyski (MVP and best scorer of the match with 21 points, three blocks and five aces), but also an always decisive Michieletto (19 with 57%), especially in the point-to-point fight in the early stages of the third and fourth sets. In Itas Trentino's winning night also Lisinac (12 points with 75% in the first half and three blocks) and an incisive Lavia stood out in all the sets, who contributed to hosts’ less foul and very effective performance both at the net and in the second line.

Below is the scoreboard of Game 3 of the Play Off Scudetto SuperLega Credem Banca 2023 quarterfinals played tonight at the BLM Group Arena.

Itas Trentino-Vero Volley Monza 3-1
(22-25, 25-18, 25-19, 25-19)
ITAS TRENTINO: Sbertoli 2, Lisinac 12, Kaziyski 21, Michieletto 19, Podrascanin 6, Lavia 11, Laurenzano (L); Nelli, Džavoronok, N.e. D’Heer, Cavuto, Pace, Berger, Bernardis. Coach Angelo Lorenzetti.
VERO VOLLEY: Beretta 3, Grozer 6, Maar 14, Galassi 11, Kreling, Davyskiba 19, Federici (L); Zimmermann 1, Szwarc 8, Di Martino, Pirazzoli. N.e. Marttila, Pisoni, Magliano. Coach Massimo Eccheli
REFEREES: Cerra from Bologna and Canessa from di Bari.
SET DURATION: 27’, 27’, 29’, 28’; tot 1h e 51’.
NOTES: 2.083 spectators, proceeds: 18.217 euro. Itas Trentino: 9 blocks, 7 aces, 16 serve errors, 3 action errors, 53% in attack, 49% (13%) in reception. Vero Volley: 6 blocks, 7 aces, 14 serve errors, 9 action errors, 42% in attack, 40% (21%) in reception. Mvp Kaziyski.

Trentino Volley Srl
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