Trento, 26 November 2023

SuperLega, seventh win in a row comes against Catania

The third consecutive match in front of its home crowd in the last seven days confirms again the good start of Itas Trentino men's championship. Sunday evening at the ilT quotidiano Arena, the Italian Champions showed no difficulties in overcoming Farmitalia Catania in the match valid for the seventh round of the SuperLega Credem Banca 2023/24 regular season. The Sicilian rookie surrendered in just three sets, allowing the hosts to confirm their unbeaten season and potentially remain alone at the top of the rankings; Perugia is currently on the lead (+2) as it played the ninth round in advance during the week, bringing the Umbrians to +2 on the Italian champions.
Sunday’s match did not offer any particular thrills; the Sicilians held up the pace of the hosts until 11-11 in the first set, suffering then constantly from the excellent break point phase of Itas Trentino, led by a great attack (55% team with just three errors, all in the opening partial). Rychlicki (MVP and best scorer: 19 points with 68% in attack, three blocks and an ace) was once again the protagonist; he was joined by Kozamernik (71% in first half) and Michieletto (13 points with 67%), and finally by Sbertoli and Laurenzano (perfect in reception), who also confirmed their excellent form.

Below is the scoreboard of the match (seventh round of SuperLega Credem Banca 2023/24 regular season) played Sunday’s evening at the ilT quotidiano Arena in Trento.

Itas Trentino-Farmitalia Catania 3-0
(25-15, 25-17, 25-18)
ITAS TRENTINO: Podrascanin 3, Sbertoli 2, Lavia 10, Kozamernik 6, Michieletto 13, Rychlicki 19, Laurenzano (L); D’Heer. N.e. Nelli, Cavuto, Pace, Berger, Magalini. Coach: Fabio Soli.
FARMITALIA: Masulovic 4, Buchegger 10, Randazzo 7, Bossi 1, Orduna 2, Basic 9, Cavaccini (L); Baldi, Guarienti Zappoli, Tondo. N.e. Pierri, Frumuselu, Santambrogio. Coach: Douglas Costa Silva.
REFEREES: Verrascina from Rome e Vagni from Perugia.
SET LENGHT: 24’, 24’, 24’; tot 1h and 12’.
NOTES: 2,373 spectators, total ticket sales: 17,461 euros. Itas Trentino: 7 blocks, 5 aces, 12 serve errors, 3 action errors, 55% offense, 72% (56%) reception. Farmitalia: 2 blocks, 0 aces, 13 serve errors, 8 action errors, 36% offense, 36% (16%) reception. MVP: Rychlicki.

Trentino Volley Srl
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