Trento, 23 February 2024

SuperLega, yellow blue at work towards Sunday's top clash in Perugia

Itas Trentino men's team back at work from this morning at the ilT quotidiano Arena. After finishing their return from Berlin early Thursday afternoon, the Italian champions resumed training today, holding a session in the weight room in the morning, followed in the evening by two hours of technical and tactical drills at the Sanbapolis gym.
This was the only session with the ball before the departure for Perugia, which will take place on Saturday morning. In view of the SuperLega Credem Banca 2023/24 regular season top clash (scheduled for Sunday, February 25 at 6:00 p.m. in Umbria - live on Radio Dolomiti and Volleyball World Tv), the Gialloblù will undergo one more training session, but it will be done directly on the evening of the eve of the match at PalaBarton. On that occasion, coach Fabio Soli will be able to further verify the condition of all the players on the roster to decide what kind of line-up to rely on for the challenge that will face the top two in the class, the only teams that are already certain of their final placement and therefore of the position they will occupy in the upcoming Play Off Scudetto.

Trentino Volley Srl
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