storia 2023 2024
2023/24 13 years later...
European champions once again!

The twenty-fourth yellow-blue season goes down in history, even before its begin, as the first ever in which Trentino Volley has two teams in the top national volleyball leagues: alongside Itas Trentino men's team in the SuperLega, reigning Italian champions, there is Itas Trentino women's team, newly promoted to Serie A1.
The commitment to organise the year for both of them in the best possible way, from a competitive point of view but also from a logistical one, is particularly onerous and important, but it is carried out by the Club with the great professionalism that has been recognised for years in the world of sport. The results ended up being positive only for one of the two teams, but it was nevertheless a useful experience for the whole Club.
The men's team defends the Italian title obtained in May, while also playing in three other competitions: Supercoppa, Coppa Italia and Champions League. Compared to the previous season, the roster offers some notable changes: the starting line-up includes Rychlicki (opposite) and Kozamernik (middle blocker, a return after the 2017/18 season already experienced in Trento) in place of Kaziyski and Lisinac. However, it is the bench that marks a break with the recent past: the new coach is Fabio Soli, a young up-and-comer taken from Cisterna, who immediately finds the right feeling with the team. The start of the season is sparkling in the championship, with Trento immediately conquering the top of the standings thanks to nine victories in the first ten games. The home victory in mid-December in front of four thousand spectators against Perugia (who had defeated Trentino Volley in the Supercoppa semifinal in Biella at the end of October) was the most significant one of the regular season, because from that moment on Itas Trentino would never let go of first place in the standings, winning the regular season with two rounds to spare thanks to a 3-0 home win against Modena. In November, Trento also began its thirteenth participation in the Champions League, again immediately taking the lead in its group, winning it with one round to spare, a result that gave it direct access to the quarter-finals of the highest continental trophy. At the end of January, the Gialloblù arrived at the Final Four of the Coppa Italia in Bologna as the number one seed in the draw, but had to reckon with a premature elimination already in the semifinals against Monza, who won in a comeback at the tie break to reach the Final.
The defeat could have negatively marked the path of Podrascanin and his team-mates, who instead immediately turned the page, resuming the discourse interrupted as if nothing had happened both in the SuperLega and in the Champions League; in this very competition Trento surpassed Berlin by a great margin to reach the quarter-finals. The arrival in the semifinals, where they play against Civitanova in an all-Italian derby, is however paid at a high price in terms of physical condition; in the return match against the Germans, the director Riccardo Sbertoli seriously injures a hand and has to stay in the pits for the next two months. In his place played the natural substitute Alessandro Acquarone (taken in the previous summer from Motta di Livenza, Serie A2); the team supported him well and the Ligurian setter was among the protagonists of the victories that delivered the passage of the round in the series with Modena (Play Off quarter-finals) and Civitanova (Champions League semifinals). At the final rush of the season, however, Soli's team arrived with little gas in the tank: they managed to get as far as 2-0 in the Scudetto Semifinal series against Monza before suffering the comeback of the Brianzoli, losing game 5 of the play-off at home in the tie break 15-17. Itas Trentino failed in its defence of the Italian title and, also due to Lavia's defection, had to concede against Milan in four games (1-3) in the final for third place, which assigned a place in the Champions League. In the next season the Club of via Trener will therefore play for the CEV Cup, but before closing out the year there is still room for a possible appeal: the Champions League Final (the third in the last four editions) to be played in Turkey. In Antalya on May 5 Trentino Itas is back to full strength, thanks also to the recoveries of Sbertoli and Lavia, and the team return to play as they had done for a good part of the season. The Poles of Jastrzebski Wegiel, opponents in the SuperFinals and fresh winners of their second consecutive national title, were defeated in little more than an hour with a peremptory 3-0: thirteen years after the last time, Trentino Volley was again European Champion! It is the tenth international title for the Gialloblù, the twenty-first overall, which bears the signature of Alessandro Michieletto. The young spiker, who grew up in the yellow-blue Youth Team, was MVP of the event and, with his 16 points, brought the men team's season to a close with a positive sign. The team was welcomed back to Trento by a huge crowd both on their return to the stadium and the following day in Piazza Duomo.
The women team's season was less positive; at their first experience in Serie A1, the Gialloblù struggled to find the right rhythm for the top category. The roster set up at the end of May after the Play Off victory was a mix of players who had been promoted from the lower category and some experienced players for the category such as the Trentino-born Olivotto (new captain) and the hammers Zago and Shcherban. It was entrusted to the young coach Marco Sinibaldi, who immediately had to reckon with many physical injuries and immediately racked up numerous defeats that made the path increasingly impassable. The first success came in the seventh round, against Cuneo at the PalaTrento (which in the meantime had also become the team's home), but thereafter there was very little satisfaction, despite the Club trying to adjust along the way. The arrival of the spiker Acosta, the setter Passaro and the opposite player Scholten bolstered the staff, which at the end of December was entrusted to the hands of Davide Mazzanti; he took Sinibaldi's place and was the demonstration of how the Club wanted to play all its chances of salvation. Not even the work of the former Italian national team coach, however, managed to produce a turnaround. Itas Trentino women's team won only two more matches and was directly relegated as last placed in the regular season. In September 2024 it will be back in the Serie A2, still with Mazzanti at the helm, with the aim of soon returning to the higher category to launch a winning project similar to that of the men's sector