Trento, 13 October 2020

Sunday the big match with Perugia: from today another 400 tickets on sale

Given the big match on Sunday 18 October (at 6 pm) at the BLM Group Arena with Sir Safety Conad Perugia, Trentino Volley announces that from today another 400 tickets are on sale at the offices in via Trener.
The government Prime Ministerial Decree that has just been issued allows Trentino Volley to increase the capacity to 600 spectators; until Thursday 16 October the possibility of purchasing the 400 tickets will be reserved exclusively for holders of #TRENTINONELCUORE Card 2020/21, who will be able to obtain only one ticket for each card subscribed, while stocks last. The sale will take place at the offices of Trentino Volley in via Trener 2 in Trento (hours 8-12 and 14-18) and Promoevent in via Suffragio 10 in Trento (from Monday to Friday 9.30-13.00 and 15.30-19.30, Saturday 9.30 -12.30 and 15.00-18.00).
There are three types of seats still available, with #TRENTINONELCUORE Card holders being the only ones entitled to the reduced price:

BEST 30 euro
BEST Reduced 20 euro
GRANDSTAND Reduced 17 euro

All spectators present at the BLM Group Arena must strictly adhere to the behavioral indications listed in the PROTOCOL created for this type of event (click here to download it) and must fill in the SELF-CERTIFICATION upon entering the facility (click here to download it). Instead of self-certification, you can, alternatively, download the "Immuni" app on your smartphone and show it from your device to the staff at the time of entry.

Trentino Volley Srl
Press Office