Trento, 15 September 2021

Cavuto testimonial for the anti Covid-19 vaccination campaign of the APSS of Trento

This morning, the Provincial Agency for Health Services, in collaboration with the Boards and Associations of the health professions, has made a press conference to assess the situation regarding the course of vaccinations in Trentino and to offer a new stimulus at the vaccination campaign through initiatives of communication.
Between the latest, there also is the use of recognized personalities of the Trentino sports world to launch messages of invitation to vaccination. Today’s presence at the Auditorium of the Health service centre in viale Verona of Oreste Cavuto is explained precisely for this reason; the spiker of Itas Trentino and Trentino Volley have gladly participated in the request by Apss, willingly lending its image at the campaign.
“The vaccination and particularly the vaccine are synonymous to return to life, to normality, and are mainly tied to the health and the well-being of people – explained the yellow-blue player - . For us players, the normality is to have back the fans in the stadium to support us, to suffer and rejoice with us. In Trento, we have always been well used to this point of view because the public has always been very numerous and has given us wonderful memories. We still want many more and if all this has to go through the green pass and therefore for the vaccination, we are very happy that it’s done and we are the first to promote it, also out of a form of respect for those around us.”
There also was the General Manager Bruno Da Re to accompany him to this appointment, who added: “Getting vaccinated is more than a duty, it’s an obligation because it means living normally again. Spending more than a year without our audience and continuing to do swabs has been very hard; if we want that soon all of this has been only a bad memory, we must get vaccinated, because it’s the only form of life.”

Trentino Volley Srl
Press Office