Trento, 22 August 2023

The test match calendar

This, in detail, is the program of the 2023/24 pre-season friendlies already defined:

Saturday 23rd September, Palasport "Livio Romare" in Schio (Vi) - 6.00 pm
Valsa Group Modena-Itas Trentino

Sunday 1st October, ilT quotidiano Arena - Trento - 5.00 pm
Itas Trentino-Allianz Milano (joint training)

Wednesday 4 October, ilT quotidiano Arena - Trento - 5.00 pm
Itas Trentino-Hypo Tirol Innsbruck

Saturday 7th October, ilT quotidiano Arena - Trento - 5.00 pm
Itas Trentino-Tinet Prata di Pordenone

Saturday 14th October, ilT quotidiano Arena - Trento - 5.00 pm
Itas Trentino-Valsa Group Modena

(provisional programme, subject to possible additions and/or variations – times to be defined)

Trentino Volley Srl
Press Office