Trento, 23 November 2023

Trentino Itas-ACH Lubiana 3-1, the match report

The match report. For the first international match of the season, coach Fabio Soli applies a reasonable shake up, proposing three novelties in the starting six: Magalini diagonally next to Michieletto in area 4, D'Heer at the center of the net along with Podrascanin and Pace alternating with Laurenzano from the start in the libero role, alongside Sbertoli as setter and Rychlicki as opposite. ACH Volleyball Ljubjana responds with Najdic as setter, Gjorgiev as opposite, Sen and Pokersnik as spikers, Videcnik and Koncilja in the middle, Kovacic as libero. The start is all in the sign of the break phase for the Italian champions: with Sbertoli serving they go 5-1, thanks to Magalini, Podrascanin and Rychlicki. After the discretionary timeout, the Slovenians got into the game thanks to an ace by Gjorgiev and two counterattacks by Sen (6-6). A block by D'Heer on the same Macedonian opposite player reopens the gap (9-7), then Trentino Itas spreads out again in the middle, stretching with Sbertoli and Michieletto, who also gets three aces in a row (14-10 and 19-11). It was Rychlicki's attacks that sent the two teams quickly to the change of court, already at 25-15.
In the second set, the guests try to be more agressive on the mondoflex, gaining an advantage with continuous breaks on serve and in attack (1-3, 6-8, 12-14). Trentino Itas suffers, conceding too much in the second line and in attack (13-17), forcing Soli to spend a time out. On resumption, D'Heer tries to open a chink of hope with his block (19-22); Ljubljana sniffs out the danger and gets to 1-1 thanks to a great job by Pokersnik (20-25).
In the third set, the contest returnes under control of the Italian champions; Michieletto and Rychlicki are making their voices heard in attack, especially at break point, and draw a promising lead (7-5), which becomes more and more consistent as time goes by (13-9 and 16-10). Radovan Gacic, coach of ACH Volleyball, has already interrupted the game twice without finding convincing answers from his players, who still lend their side to the opponents: D'Heer attacks and blocks to 18-11, leading his side to a 2-1 lead that comes in fluently, on 25-18.
The contest returns to being more competitive in the fourth quarter, partly because Ljubljana regains quality in reception, improving its percentages at the net (6-6 and 9-9). When it also becomes so with the serve, it gets them the advantage (9-11), forcing the hosts to interrupt the game. On resumption, Trentino Itas gets on the board with Rychlicki's block and counterattack (13-12); Gjorgiev suffers from the tight Trentino marking and begins to struggle (16-13). It is not the decisive break, however, as the Slovenians go up the slope again (18-18), taking advantage of the lack of lucidity on high ball by the Italian champions, who later gather their last energies to close the account. Rychlicki did it (22-19 and then 26-24), with attack, serve and more attack.

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