Modena, 10 December 2023

SuperLega, Itas Trentino faces its first regular season defeat in Modena

Modena's PalaPanini reserves the first setback for Itas Trentino in the 2023/24 regular season of SuperLega Credem Banca. This evening the Italian Champions had to give up 1-3 in front of the hosts Valsa Group, stopping for the first time their championship run after eight consecutive victories. The four-set setback, however, did not affect the excellent ranking of the Yellow-blue, who remained in second place, two points behind Perugia, their next opponent at the ilT Quotidiano Arena in Trento on Sunday  December 17th.
At the summit match, Soli's team will arrive determined to redeem today's false step, which came at the end of a match that started in the best possible way and ended instead with many difficulties. The Yellow-blue’s approach to the match had in fact been extremely positive and characterised by great efficiency at the block and in attack; to the 58% at the net and the five winning blocks of the first set, won with great personality, Itas Trentino was unable to follow up in the second half of the match. Ahead 17-13 in the second period, they suffered first the comeback and then the overtaking by the hosts, who were able to change the pace thanks to an increasingly incisive service and a high ball trio that in the end would score 51 points, distributed equally between the hitter spiker Rinaldi and Davyskiba and the opposite Sapozhkov. The tricolours lost the second set piece in the advantages, after also having had a set ball, they fought all the way in the next one and then finally gave way to the Valsa Group in the fourth. Four players from Soli's team scored in double figures in the match: 15 points for Michieletto (the best of his team with 59% in attack) and 10 points each for Lavia, Rychlicki and Podrascanin.

Below is the scoreboard of the match of the ninth day of the regular season of SuperLega Credem Banca 2023/24 played this evening at PalaPanini in Modena.

Valsa Group Modena-Itas Trentino 3-1
(21-25, 27-25, 25-22, 25-16)
VALSA GROUP: Davyskiba 17, Sanguinetti 8, Sapozhkov 17, Rinaldi 17, Brehme 9, Bruno 1, Gollini (L); Stankovic, Boninfante. N.e. Pinali G., Pinali R., Federici, Sighinolfi, Malavasi. coach. Francesco Petrella.
ITAS TRENTINO: Lavia 10, Kozamernik 7, Rychlicki 10, Michieletto 15, Podrascanin 10, Sbertoli 1, Laurenzano (L); Cavuto, Magalini 1, Acquarone, Pace (L), D'Heer. N.e. Nelli and Berger. coach. Fabio Soli.
REFEREE: Cesare from Rome and Brancati from Città di Castello (Perugia).
SET LENGTH: 23', 31', 26', 24'; tot 1h 44'.
NOTES: 4,615 spectators, takings not announced. Valsa Group: 6 blocks, 8 aces, 27 serve errors, 7 action errors, 56% in attack, 45% (26%) in reception. Itas Trentino: 10 blocks, 2 ace, 23 serve errors, 6 action errors, 50% attack, 39% (27%) reception. Mvp Bruno.

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