Berlin (Germany), 21 February 2024

Berlin Recycling Volley-Trentino Itas 0-3, the match report

Chronicle of the match. Trentino Itas comes to the Max Schmeling Halle in Berlin with a standard formation; opposite player Rychlicki, despite a shoulder problem on the eve of the match, is among the seven starters chosen by coach Fabio Soli for the match, along with Sbertoli as setter, Michieletto and Lavia in area 4, Kozamernik and Podrascanin in the middle, Laurenzano as libero. Berlin Recycling Volleys responded with Tille as setter, Sotola as opposite, Carle and Schott as spikers, Stalekar and Tammemaa in the middle, Tsuiki as libero. The start was all in the favour of the Italian champions, who with Lavia (attack and ace) immediately accelerated to 4-1 and then 7-2, once Michieletto also began to warm up his arm. The Germans took refuge in a time out, but on resumption, they still struggled to find the right rhythm: Trento escaped from 10-7 to 17-9 thanks to two blocks by Kozamernik and an increasingly effective counter-attack once again from the Italian pair of area 4. After that, Berlin held well in the changeover phase (19-13) but never really managed to undermine the guests, who, with Rychlicki, travelled quickly towards the 1-0 lead, which came as early as 25-18.
After the change of court the hosts try to react, getting off to a much better start (2-4), but Trentino Itas does not disband and with a block by Sbertoli finds parity at 5-5. In the middle, the difference was made by Lavia's counter-attacks (10-9) and Podrascanin's block (15-12); Michieletto's turn at the serve allowed the Italian champions to expand the gap (18-12), putting the Germans further on the ropes. The road to 2-0 was all downhill, and Trento took little time to travel it, conceding nothing in attack; the set ended 25-17 with many fouls commited by the hosts.
The Germans tried again in the third, jumping to 1-4, but Lavia's aces caught them immediately (4-4) and set Trentino Itas on fire, subsequently gaining more and more ground (10-7 and 15-11). Kozamernik stung from the nine-metre line and Berlin, despite numerous changes made by coach Banks, finally raised the white flag (17-25) with Nelli, who had just taken over, scoring the last point.

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