Trento, 10 March 2019

Itas Trentino-Consar Ravenna 3-0, the report of the match

Itas Trentino shows up another time without Lisinac; in his place in the starting six there is Codarin; Giannelli as setter, Vettori as opposite, Russell and Kovacevic in place number 4, Candellaro in the middle, Grebennikoc as libero. Consar Ravenna replies with Saitta as setter, Rychlicki as opposite, Raffaelli and Poglajen as spikers, Russo and Verhees in the middle, Gol as libero. The guests have the best impact on the match. Thanks to Rffaelli they are 4-6, after having held high percentages in the side-out phase, but Kovacevic and Russell immediately remedied it (9-9). The central part of the set is made of break and the teams alternate at command (11-10, 13-14), before Trento gains the first +2 of the evening (17-15) thanks to the counterattack of Vettori and an error by Raffaelli. Graziosi's time out gets the expected results, as Consar gets even with the opponents at 19 points thanks to a Verhees’ block on Russell's pipe, but Vettori immediately returns the favour to Poglajen (21-19). The opposite from Emilia scored on the net 3 (23-20). After the interruption of Lorenzetti, Russell's two points make the World Champions to win the set (25-23). The enthusiasm deriving from the victory also influences the beginning of the second phase, with Itas Trentino that immediately takes the situation of the match with Kovacevic (6-4) and then 10-6, thanks to two Codarin’s blocks (on Rychlicki and Raffaelli). The time out of Graziosi fails to excite Consar, which still suffers the forcing of the yellow - blue team in attack (12-8, 14-9); Vettori is also unleashed at service (ace for 18-12) and the hosts run fast towards 2-0 (21-13), which arrives already on 25-17 with an attack by the new Cavuto. Ravenna tries to react at the beginning of the third set, led by Rychlicki (4-7), but for Trento it is easy to recover the disadvantage (8-8 with the block of Codarin and Giannelli). However, the guests still have energy to score (9-13), but Kovacevic, almost alone, makes the team tie. Consar does not give up, it gains a promising advantage especially thanks to the block (17-20, Lorenzetti time out); Uros scores again (20-20). Nelli protagonist at the end of the match (ace for 21-20). Then a Rychlicki's error (24-22); An attack by Van Garderen closes the match (25-22).

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