Trento, 13 March 2020

President Mosna: "Trust, trust and trust again: everything will be all right"

This morning President Diego Mosna shared on his personal Facebook page some reflections on the moment that Italy is experiencing in the face of the Coronavirus emergency.
Below is the full text of the published post.

"The situation of absolute emergency that has been created first in our country and then in the rest of Europe and the world inevitably leads us to feel negative feelings; anxiety, fear and uncertainty cross our minds in these days, because we are facing an opponent that we do not know well and from whom it is difficult to distance ourselves.
By now everyone has understood that defeating the Coronavirus will not be easy, but precisely for this reason I believe that it is essential to play as a team, all together following the directives and ordinances that are progressively given to us by the competent authorities. 
To win this match we all have to make some important sacrifices; we have to get used to and adapt to something we don't like: stay at home and reset our sociality, limiting it to a few video calls and messages.
Having positive and/or optimistic visions at the moment is complicated, I'm perfectly aware of it, but we have to try to accept that a period like this, certainly less active, with less joys and pleasures but also without so many " futilities", will make us rediscover the beauty of the normal life we enjoyed until last month. 
When the emergency is over we will appreciate with even greater intensity the meaning of a hug, a handshake, a moment spent side by side even just for a coffee.
We must be patient and above all we must trust, trust and trust again: our children teach it to us every day with their drawings. 

Trentino Volley Srl
Press Office