Trento, 01 January 2025
All the 2024 issues of Trentino Volley on web and social networks: + 94.339 followers!

What just went into the archives was a year of excellent feedback for; the victory of the fourth Champions League in history and the constant presence in all the final stages of each competition of the men’s team have further increased the interest shown by the people of the web for official yellow-blue websites and social accounts.
Just like what happened between 2009 and 2023, the last twelve months have demonstrated the great appeal promoted from the official webspace: in 2024, the number of different users connected per month was 263.406 (904.578 overall), for a total of 1.988.590 pages clicked between January 1st and December 31st. 17% of this traffic is generated thanks to the English version (directly accessible by clicking, updated daily thanks to the cooperation of the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici of Trento. The day on which the highest number of accesses was recorded was the 22nd of March (the day following the qualifiers for the Finals of the Champions League), with 7.592 unique visits, but in this sense, it’s important to note the 5th of May (6.705 - victory day of the Champions League at Antalya) and the 5th of March (6.130) as well, to show how the interest is constantly high.
The success of is accompanied by the growing number of yellow-blue profiles on social networks - among the most followed between the Italian Clubs (male and female) for volleyball: the official facebook page reached 90.346 followers, the Twitter account, exactly thirteen years after its creation, has reached 36,267 followers, while the one on Instagram was the protagonist of another boom, going from 190.877 follower on the 31st of December 2023 to today’s 226.162 (+35.285) of the male account and 5.097 for the female account (+1.232). Lastly, Trentino Volley Tv (the yellow-blue web tv on YouTube, created and consolidated thanks to the invaluable cooperation of the media partner RTTR) has further increased its own online presence: in fact, 564 (on average, more than three every two days) are the videos which have been uploaded throughout last year (a total of 6.040 in the last fourteen years), while the total number of views has reached over nine million (today it’s 9.006.422 - 803.689 in 2024 alone!) and the channel subscribers have increased from 18.387 to 19.727 (+1.340).
2024 was also the year that saw Trentino Volley further affirm its presence on the platforms of TikTok (increase of 8.893 followers, for a total of 355.393), Linkedin (2.225 followers, + 542) and Spotify (455 followers). Furthermore, exactly twelve months ago the WhatsApp channel ((with real-time updates - 25.564 subscribers) and the Threads account ((the new social network created by Meta, in close collaboration with Instagram), which in this first year of activity alone has already gained 37.070 followers. Also thanks to these numbers, the increase in followers in the calendar year 2024 for Trentino Volley was 94.339 units, while the total fan base is 798.396 followers (the first of the Italian volleyball club)!
Trentino Volley Srl
Press Office