Trento, 22 November 2020

Social Network, il Sole 24 ORE: “Trentino Volley is one among the 1st societies for..."

Today, the newspaper Il Sole 24 ORE has dedicated a particular detailed study about digital business during Serie A male championship of Volleyball and Basketball. In the article published on page 20 of the economic and finance newspaper, the journalist Marcello Frisone reported the most important data of his study showing that Volley involves more follower, engagement and contents then Basketball.
The analysis also shows the data related to every single society (12 about SuperLega, 16 about basketball Serie A); Trentino Volley is among the first places of the ranking, not only in comparison to the other Volleyball societies, but also in the general ranking. Indeed, gialloblù club is on 3rd place on Volleyball ranking thanks to the number of its followers by adding the ones on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube (263.733) and thanks to the engagement (173.365 - that’s to say the public that gets involved by liking, commenting or sharing a content). But that’s not all, indeed Trentino Volley is the society that shares more content on social media among all the 28 societies of Volleyball and Basketball Serie A: 712 contents every single month.

Trentino Volley Srl
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